Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Coverflow for every folder!!

With Leopard viewing any folder takes on the last view option - unlike Tiger where each folder keeps it own view setting. So if you chose the coverflow view for one folder, every folder has that view!

You can make specific folder keep its own view setting:

"If you Show View Options (Command-J) for a folder, you'll see a tick box at the top of the inspector that says something along the lines of "Always open in ..." and the current type of view. Ticking that box will set the default for the folder you're currently looking at."

So set your picture and movie folders as coverflow and tick the box. And use icon view for the default for the rest of your folders.

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Upgraded to Leopard

Yay! I've just managed to upgrade to Leopard (10.5)!

I went for the upgrade option and everything went well...

Boo! Synergy is now broken!

Fortunately I've found this webpage: detailing how to setup Synergy for Leopard.

I removed by previous configuration and setup the following (for the Synergy server, the above link sets up the client). Created the ~/Library/LaunchAgent directory and created this synergys.plist file in it:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Then issue the commands:
sudo /usr/bin/killall synergys
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/synergys.plist
launchctl start com.synergys

Friday, 26 October 2007

Stop temporary files saving on desktop

I've gotten annoyed with temporary files such as PDFs and JNLP files downloading to the desktop before being opened. So much so that I decided how to find out how to get rid of them...

It seems you have to make the setting using Safari (having just read someone having trouble making PDF open up within the browser itself and not running an external program...)

If you make the 'download folder' setting via Safari (and not via your fav browser) it works, and all temporary files goes there. I have now set it to /tmp (you have to type it into the search box) so that the files are cleared on a reboot.

The nice thing is that Navigator still downloads files to my specified folder on my desktop (set within Navigator)...

Funny, how we have to do it this way. I guess browsers are inheriting properties from the OS X 'system' browser...

Monday, 22 October 2007

Using MacBook closed!

I recently read from the Apple documentation how to use my MacBook with its cover closed...

All you need is, an external monitor, mouse and keyboard! Connect it all up and turn on the laptop, close the lid (it goes to sleep with the lid closed), then wake it up using your mouse or keyboard!

Silly really, but it works...

Thursday, 18 October 2007


Do you have multiple computers on your desk and need to control them all with a single keyboard and mouse - and don't have or don't want to use a KVM?

Then, Synergy is for you! See:
Download and install on your various machines, making one the server and the rest clients and hey presto...

I have my iMac as the server and 2 PCs on either side as clients. I followed the 'Create a system level start up item' and put this:

/User/son_t/bin/synergys -f --config /Users/son_t/bin/synergy/synergy.conf as the run command for the server mode (example only shows the client setup).

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Computer name

The Mac will give your computer a silly name. To change it, do this:
  • To see your current computer name, Local Hostname, or network address, open the Sharing pane of System Preferences.
  • To change your computer's name, type a new name in the Computer Name field.
  • To change your computer's Local Hostname, click Edit and type a new name.
  • To see the address of the services you are providing, select the service. The address is displayed below the Services window.